Quantum Processor |
The laws of quantum physics permit us to process information using what is known as quantum computing. A quantum computer is different from a digital computer that we are so familiar with.While quantum computing sounds like a new technology, the fact is that it is a mathematical approach to finding efficient solutions to computational problems.
Unlike the CMOS integrated circuit technology, which is the backbone of today’s communication revolution, it is difficult to predict the trajectory of future developments in quantum computing.
Unlike the CMOS integrated circuit technology, which is the backbone of today’s communication revolution, it is difficult to predict the trajectory of future developments in quantum computing.
We must remember that the exponential advances in CMOS technology, during the last 60 years, are largely due to the evolution of planar technology based solely on silicon.
The historical lesson that we need to learn here is that unless we zero-in on one or two possible technologies using a material whose properties are well understood, the evolution of any technology becomes unpredictable
The historical lesson that we need to learn here is that unless we zero-in on one or two possible technologies using a material whose properties are well understood, the evolution of any technology becomes unpredictable